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How it’s made: Designing a Head Turner Game

In the limitless field of game development, most developers take the creative lead in bringing every…

Make them hooked: Indie Game Design in Two Ways!

Top 10 ways here and there are very usual in blogs. For us indies with limited budget and time, taki…

Rookie Game Developer’s Recipe for Disaster

Publishing your first game is by far most of the developers are eager to do. With the excitement, an…

Neural Network in Game Maker Studio – part 4

What makes the "learning" in machine learning is training. Now that we created a neural net, it is t…

Neural Network in Game Maker Studio – part 3

Before we continue coding the training part, we are going to do a short improvement to our neural ne…

Neural Network in Game Maker Studio – part 2

Now that our neural net is set up we have to process the input and use the result to control our age…

Neural Network in Game Maker Studio – part 1

After studying the basic concepts, it's our time to create our own neural network. We will be using …