Neural Network in Game Maker Studio – part 4

What makes the “learning” in machine learning is training. Now that we created a neural net, it is time to code the training part.

In order to train our neural network, we are going to use genetic algorithm. This is the easiest way to train our agents. Initially, we only have to create multiple instances of the arrow head object, our agent, with random weights. We’ll test it and select the one with the highest fitness (which output is the closest to what’s desired), copy it’s DNA – it’s weights and bias – to other instances, and then mutate every children.


So, how are we going to choose which agent has the best DNA? That’s where fitness comes in.

Fitness is the determinant of which agent performs closest to the desired output. Agent with highest fitness will be cloned and mutated. This process will be repeated until an agent reach the most optimal performance our neural net can reach.

For every problem, there are different ways to compute the fitness. Fitness is an important factor in our neural net’s performance. It is necessary that the fitness calculation can determine which agent is performing the best out of the population.

User Event 0

Write the code below on the user event 0. This code will calculate the fitness of an agent based on its average distance to the target.

///Compute Fitness

agent_score += -distance_to_object(obj_target);
point_in_time += 1;

fitness = agent_score/point_in_time;
Alarm 0

The purpose of the alarm event is to create a delay between each check instead of checking every frame.

///Delay compute fitness
alarm[0] = 5;
Create Event

Mutate Script

The mutate script will mutate the parameter ‘x’ by some certain rate and return a mutated value.

///mutate(x, rate)

    var _val = argument0;
    var _rate = argument1;
    var _chance = irandom(100);
    if(_chance < 10*_rate){              //Flip sign
        _val *= -1;
    } else if(_chance < 20*_rate){       //Reroll
        _val = random_range(-1, 1); 
    } else if(_chance < 45*_rate){      //Increase(0% to 100%)
        _val = random_range(_val, _val*2); 
    } else if(_chance < 70*_rate){      //Decrease(0% to 100%)
        _val = random_range(0, _val); 
//Return Val    


User Event 1

On the agent’s user event 1

//Mutate neuron weights
    for(var j=0; j<array_height_2d(weights) ; j++){
        for(var k=0; k<array_length_2d(weights, j); k++){
            weights[j,k] = mutate(weights[j,k], 0.4);
//Mutate output weights    
    for(var j=0; j<array_height_2d(output_weights) ; j++){
        for(var k=0; k<array_length_2d(output_weights, j); k++){            
            output_weights[j,k] = mutate(output_weights[j,k], 0.4);

When mutating, we either increase/decrease the value, flip the sign, or randomize it. But do take in mind that we won’t be changing all the weights and biases. There is only a small chances that a weight or a bias will be mutated.

Resetting the Agent

The remaining thing to do is to add a user event to reset the position and other variables of our agents . This will be executed after training; To test the neural net once again.


//Back to start position
    x = xstart;
    y = ystart;

//Reset Vars
    fitness = 0;
    point_in_time = 0;
    agent_score = 0;
    alarm[0] = 5;


Open our neural net main controller object obj_nn_main

User Event 0

//Search for fittest agent
    var _fittest = noone;   //Agent that has highest fitness score
    var _fitness = -99999;  //Fitness score of the most fit agent
        //If current instance has higher fitness than remembered instance
        if(fitness > _fitness){
            _fittest = id;
            _fitness = fitness;
//Copy weights and biases
    var _weights;
    var _bias;
    var _output_weights;
    var _output_bias;
    //Save DNA for future use
        _weights = weights;
        _bias = bias;        
        _output_weights = output_weights;
        _output_bias = output_bias;

        if(id != _fittest){
            //Copy DNA
            weights = _weights;
            bias = _bias;
            output_weights = _output_weights;
            output_bias = _output_bias;
Train on keypress

Aside on using key press to train our agents, we can also use an alarm to train our agents after every delay. But for simplicity, we will train our them on key press.

Keyboard press event for <Spacebar>
Show Fitness

This part is optional, but this can help you to see which of the agent is performing well, and can make debugging easier.

///Draw fitness
    draw_text(x, y, fitness);

We are done

Run the game and see how your neural net performs.

If your neural net behaves like the example below. You successfully created your first neural net. It is now time to use the neural net for more complex task.

After quite some time building a machine learning algorithm, it is the time to make a use out of it. This time, ideas and information will come from you. Share your creation! Feel free to comment a link or a snapshot about how you used this machine learning algorithm.

Want to learn more about this topic? Give me a nudge or write a comment about what topic you want to tackle next. Until next post. Cheers!

2 responses to “Neural Network in Game Maker Studio – part 4”

  1. Juan Manuel Almahano Avatar
    Juan Manuel Almahano

    In final, when you put the vk_space key for restart, you put 2 codes and I’ve made a mess. And when I test the game, game shows an error with variable “bias”.. I put in 2 firsts scripts like “wheights” arrays and in “feed” script and… I dont know if I did good or no… pls help or put and download link with an editable.
    (sry my bad english)

    And… how can I use this with other kind of mechanics? I think that I can try but im not sure… I dont understand why the line about “angle_difference”

    1. Ezekiel Marcelino (High Leap Studios) Avatar

      Thank you for noting that to me. It’s a mistake on my part, vk_space should only have event_user(0) in it. I added a GitHub link on the first part of the series. I’ll also link it here:

      Angle difference basically subtracts image_angle and the arrow’s direction to the target object. The reason for it is for the agents to know how much to turn based on its current direction and direction to the target. We can also have two inputs, image angle and point direction but using one input using angle difference is much simpler.

      I also have prototypes for other implementations. I have a project where the agents navigate through an obstacle. It is still unpolished though. They can sometimes get stuck and stop learning so you will need to press “Esc” to reset if they do. Here’s a link to the project:

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